It was a very hot day.

Mikyle & Ryder playing cars... Ryder loves cars KA-CHOW!

John's parents

John & Robyn's nephew were ring security.

but they couldn't sync up. They were running up and down the island at different times.

Eventually ring security had to be escorted.

Robyn and her dad

As a kid I grew going to really long church wedding ceremonies. I'm really digging these sub 20 minute ceremonies. I just want to get to the party. Plus I was wearing a suit outdoors in Hawaii...

Robyn's parents

John's parents.

John signing his life away. Robyn gaining 80% of his sneaker assets.

Koren Bulgogi tacos. These were amazing.

Miso butter fish.. delicious.

Steak. Unsure what cut, but I had the fish.

Creme Brulee, I think maybe coconut or macadamia nut flavor?

Phillip caught the garter and Jensen is ecstatic.

Not sure what Peter's doing but Nicole had my camera the whole time.. sooo.

After the wedding headed back to John's suite for the after party. Ended up staying up until 3 am.
It was just Peter, Will, Armen, John and myself that were still awake.
and then Armen threw up on me and that kind of killed it for the night... It went in my ear... omg.. the smell....
That ends day 7. Not the best way to end a night.
The next morning we packed up our things, had lunch and headed home.
That ends this trip.
Where to next? Las Vegas for Phillip's dirty thirty.