Friday, August 24, 2018

Trip Report - Denver, CO (Day 3): OneFold, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, & Yummy Hot Pot

Ordered breakfast through Doordash from OneFold to be delivered to the house to save some time, before heading to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. I went to the Houston Museum of Natural Science and spent 4 hours there just skimming through their exhibits. So I knew that I would spend several hours at the Denver Museum and wanted to get the most out of it.

Fresh squeezed O.J. & Breakfast Burrito: housemade organic tortilla, eggs, green chili, duckfat fried potatoes, asadero cheese, sausage. Really good burrito, the potatoes were delicious, I wish it came with salsa though.

Bacon Fried Rice: 2 duckfat fried eggs, bacon, garlic, green onions, tamari soy sauce, chili oil. I didn't get to try this, but heard it was good.

Denver Museum of Nature & Science. I really like dinosaurs and when I visited Houston, I went to their museum and had a great time. So when I found out Denver had a Museum. I had to visit.

The museum is located next to the Denver Zoo and when we drove by the zoo it looked really busy.

We were able to score 20% discounted tickets because we had a group larger than 10 and we visited on a weekday. To get group discount tickets you just call (303) 370-6000. They give you a group number and you pay when you pick up the tickets at the counter.

Prehistoric Journey is located on the third. I started on the first floor and worked my way up.

Exhibit #1 was the VR Arcade.

We did the VR ride... I think it was Prehistoric Underwater.

John did the VR room. They have a screen so you can watch what games people are playing. Saw some people playing Job Simulator. One kid was working at a liquor store and he was filling up slushy cups and throw donuts at the burglars that were trying to rob the place. It was hilarious.

Barely made the cut.

The VR runs 4 people at a time. If you get motion sickness I don't recommend you going on the ride.

#2 Space Odyssey.

Got me some snacks while I walk around.

#3 was Gems & Minerals.

Keep dreaming Tammy.

The gem & mineral exhibit was great. They built what looked like a mining cave when you walked it.

#4 Wildlife Halls. Alaska to Argentina

I thought it was pretty awesome how they made this diorama look like it's underwater.

Australia & South Pacific Islands.

#5 North American Indian Cultures.

Coffee break at T.Rex Cafe

#6 Expedition Health. They give you a card so you can track yourself and you get to print out your stats on a sheet at the end of the exhibit. I like that it's hands on.

Getting my heart rate read.

Viet was biking, but unsure what this activity was testing.

On this activity you stuck your hand in a box and on one side of your hand there was cold air blowing on it. It was trying to demonstrate how your blood vessel contract to keep in warmth. So one side is suppose to be cooler than the other, but I guess Tammy's hand didn't care.

This machine measured your stride, speed and calculated your energy exertion score.

They had a Biology Basecamp, which look really cool and had all these other activities to do. We skipped this one cause I was trying to manage my time for all the exhibits.

Aging machine.

#7 Mindbender Mansion.

This exhibit was filled with all kinds of hands on puzzles.

It was really busy in this exhibit.

On this game 4 people are suppose to work together to get the ball into several holes. You have a time limit of 3 minutes I believe and your trying to score as high as possible. It's difficult when you only have control of 1 of 4 directions.

Even thought there were only 4 pieces this took us longer than I expected to figure out.

#8 Prehistoric Journey. The main reason I came to this museum.

Decaying triceratops head.

Majority of the time I tend to look at everything and skim a bit of the reading. I always thought that the skeleton displays were always a replica and that they would store the real fossils somewhere safe, but one of the worker informed us that they are real fossils and that the placard tells you what percentage of the complete skeleton is real.

Tammy found her spirit animal.

They had staff working on fossils and this guy talking to us about this Thornton Torosaurus fossil they just found in 2017.

The orange are the bones that they have so far. On the bottom left corner it shows where the fossil was found. Which literally was across the street from a recently built neighborhood

#9 the special exhibit they had was Dead Sea Scrolls. You have to make reservations for this. When I told everyone about this, they kept thinking I wanted to see Dead Sea Squirrels.

They didn't allow any photographer of any kind in this exhibit. At least they didn't make me put my camera in the car like the Red Rock Amphitheater.

More wildlife exhibits.

#10 Konovalenko: gem Carvings of Russian Folk Life.

They list everything that the figure is carved from.

#11 Egyptian Mummies

We spent about 5 hours at the Museum and we didn't have any time to visit the Planetarium or the or see a film in IMAX.

The Museum was great. Smaller than the one in Houston, but definitely worth a visit.

For dinner we headed to Yummy Hot Pot all you can eat hot pot for $18.99

The sauce station.

Beef & lamb

Our first round of orders.

and you get ice cream at the end. Strawberry, Chocolate, or Vanilla.

Headed back to the house after dinner and hang for a bit, before I dropped off John and Jimmy at the airport. They were leaving a day early. There flight was delayed, but when I dropped them off at the airport I got a flash flood warning and potential tornado warning. That explains the flight delay.

Spent the rest of our last night hanging out in the backyard making s'mores and drinking.

That ends day 3.

Tomorrow we head to the Denver Zoo.

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