I called the Vegas veterans Phat and Pierce to see if they wanted to go to Vegas, of course they wouldn't turn it down. So it ended up being just four of us since it was so last minute.
The cheapest flight of course was the earliest flight 8:05 am.

Was tired and hungry from working until 3 am that morning. I didn't pack until I got home from work either. So I was working off of an hour and a half of sleep.
Breakfast burrito should hold me over.

Second trip for my new camera and it's first trip to Vegas.

Chorizo breakfast burrito with guacamole.

Took a quick nap on the plane and we quickly arrived in Vegas.

We went to Vegas right after CES had ended.

Phat and Pierce's host met us at the airport and had a limo ready for us.

While the guys checked in, Jack ran off to sports booking to place a few bets. Phat was pretty confident with Seahawks taking the first half. So I put some money on that too.

Fortunately for us Phat's room was available.

Phat got the wrap around suite again.

Gorgeous view from the balcony.

Got a new zoom lens for Christmas so I thought I would try it out.

You can slightly hear the music from the Bellagio water show also from the balcony.

We had reservations at Bally's Sterling Brunch at 1 pm. So we headed down to the casino to try our luck before lunch.

More sports book betting.

Phat has been very lucky with electronic craps lately. So we gave it a whirl.

We headed off to Bally's around 12:30 pm.

I haven't been to Bally's in forever and a lot has developed since the last time I was here. I don't remember any of these shops being here before.

Waffle Bar. I really wanted to come back for this later in the trip, but totally forgot.

Sterling Brunch is only served on Sundays from 9 am - 2:30 pm. It's served at BLT Steak. which typically is a Steak House, but on Sunday they serve and all you can eat buffet. It's $95 a person.

Along with the hefty price tag you get all you can drink Perrier Jouet and they aren't stingy with it either. They always keep your glass filled.

The food selection is not extensive as the other bigger buffets, but the food options are quite nice.

Oysters, rock crab claws, cocktail shrimp.

Filet Mignon with herb butter.

The bread is pretty much a giant pop-over. It's very crispy on the outside and has a texture similar to Yorkshire pudding on the inside.

Freshly carved bacon, lobster, and banana foster's bread pudding french toast. The bread pudding french toast was the most amazing thing I had at the buffet, second to the champagne. I like my alcohol. Lobster ravioli is the orange stuff in the tiny cast iron plate in the back.

Blue cheese mashed potatoes, BLT ceasar, and some more Filet Mignon. Totally forgot to take pictures of the other food, but there was also Caviar, prime rib, rack of lamb, snow crab and other premium offerings. I kind of forgot about snapping photos, because I was busy eating.

The desert offering was nothing special.

The fresh berries and whipped cream was awesome, but was not found at the desert bar, surprisingly. You had to get it near the salad area.

I loved the all you can drink Champagne and the bread pudding french toast. Sterling Brunch was okay. I'm not a huge fan of seafood, I probably won't do it again, but it's nice to say that I tried it once. If you like Caviar, lobster, crab, and filet mignon. I'm sure you'll get your monies worth. I had 6 glasses of Champagne. That's how I get my monies worth.

We headed back to the Cosmo to get ready to watch some more Football.

Headed off to Walgreen's to stock up on snacks and goodies

I didn't bet on any other games that day, after the Seahawks not coming through for me.
Fell asleep and woke up to the gorgeous Vegas lights.

After everyone was well rested we headed to the casino to take some money back. It's time for free drinks..

Phat draws first blood by hitting a minor jackpot for a little over nine hundred.

I on the other hand, I gave money to Vegas. I'm not helping the cause.

As you can see from this collection of slot bonuses. The machine were not being kind at all.

Eventually drank most of the night away. Wasn't winning much, so I was slowing down.

I asked for mayonnaise for my buttermilk chicken sandwich and they delivered. It's not a good sandwich. I regret not getting the Big Mac.

and for late night grub we had secret pizza. We put the chips on the pizza ourselves. doesn't come like that, but awesome.

They asked for a name for the order. Jack told them his name, I told them he's called Jack Hammer. LOL.. They laughed when they called out the order and he got a free slice! Win.

That's it for day one. Very uneventful and is exactly what I wanted for this trip. I wanted something relaxing and I was in sweat the whole entire day.
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