Had the porridge and pad-thai noodles. The porridge was surprisingly good and hit the spot.

After that we headed back to the Cosmopolitan to rack up more player points.

I've been walking by this Bejeweled Slot machine and have been wanting to try it out the entire trip. It's interesting cause most slot machines you pay for extra lines. On Bejeweled you pay for extra perks like jewel swapping and other stuff. I had no idea what I was doing, but I made a quick $87 bucks.
I ended up back at the Tarzan slot, hit the bonus wheel, but it only gave me like $50.

After that I was still burnt out. So I went to my room and slept for the rest of the day, until it was time to leave.

That ends this trip. Overall it was fun. Would I go back to Vegas with my parents? Probably not. I don't think it's a place for them, but maybe some other place that's more relaxing.
So what's next? Vegas again in February. This time without the parents and I think we have a large group this time also. Looks like it might get crazy.