Meatball Sandwich!

So Peter came up with the bright idea of Monday Madness. The challenge is to be drunk all day. So here we go. Challenge Accepted.
What way to start Monday Madness but the typical tourist way... Buy a yard with extra shots!

Not enough yards, must buy more!

down side to yards is you can't drink it fast enough. It's too cold. So we gambled and drank.

Some more slot machine bonuses.
After the Yards and a few shots we headed over to Paris.

After waiting forever for a cocktail server we just ended up at the bar and bought shots. Hefty shots I might add.

Our next stop was the Flamingo. More shots at the bar here.

Then it was off to Imperial Palace, but looks like they have been remodeling and have changed their name to The Quad. So we stopped in here for a bit to check it out.

Played some more slots until the drink lady came by.

Some more slot machine bonus

By the time we left The Quad the sun was setting.

We walked across the street and ended up at Cesar's Palace

We headed straight to the bar. More shots. Little did I know that if you play those poker machines at the bar the drinks are free. I never knew that. The bartender just told us to sit down and put a few bucks in instead of buying drinks. FREE drinks.. well sort of.

We actually got stuck on this electronic craps table for quite some time. I think we sat here for a few hours. Plus the cocktail server was coming back quite often.

Who is that Peter talking to?

Next it was time to head back to our hotel to gamble and drink there.

Drunk shenanigans ensued.

While walking past Bellagio a guy was selling Bud Light out of a back pack. 4 for $6. We got 8 for $10. Man that was a first..

I don't like beer.
Down it!

Alex and Bumble Bee

Vegas Show Girls?

We drunk.

Back at Cosmo we decided to play a bit of Craps. We were playing Pai Gow for a bit. The workers at Cosmo don't wear name tags. So I said to our dealer.
Me: I noticed you don't wear name tags.
Dealer: Nope.
Me: What's your name.
Dealer: no respone.
Me: Wait let me guess,, Brian, Steve, Carl, Sean, David.... hmmm Laser, Blazer, Tazer,,..... Wait we'll call you Turbo...
Dealer: My name is Adam.
Me: We'll Adam. Your name is now Turbo Adam.
Man it was so much fun. He got a total kick out of it. Didn't get that lucky on the table, but I did bet a bonus for the dealer and I and hit straight flush which was 50 to 1, but I only put a $1 for me and him. Oh well $50 dollar tip is better than nothing.
After it was off to electronic craps.

Jack's friend Nole was also in Vegas and met up with us.

By this time Party Peter was faddddded.

Parker was faded. I don't even remember taking this picture.

Yup they both faded.

Yeah McDonald's

Party Peter is all partied out.

Party Peter is going to sleep..

He ended up puking when he got back to the room. Fun time. Monday Madness was his idea and it destroyed him.