More detailed photos of the Hookah Lounge.

Checked out of our rooms and headed to Downtown Disney. There were a few more things on the top 15 food list that I wanted to try.

#6 flavored churros. We bought the most popular one which is the salted caramel. It was okay. I don't think the flavored churros were worthy of the list.

Grilled cheese from Earl of Sandwich..

The main reason I wanted to go to Downtown Disney was to try the Uh-Oa at Trader Sam's located at the Disneyland Hotel.

Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar. We were a bit early. It doesn't open until 11:30 am. So we just sat around waiting.

I was expecting a restaurant bar, but when I walked in, it was totally different from what I had imagined. Lots of great tiki/tropical decor. No windows, just a fake facade window. It was a great themed bar.

#2 The Uh-Oa! Not only do they serve this neat drink, but there's a whole ceremony that goes along with it.
The Uh-Oa was a good drink. Totally worth the trip to get.

Throughout our stay at the bar, mini events periodically occur. It was very entertaining. The volcano erupted. We were only there for less than an hour. So I don't know what else happens in there, but I'll definitely be going back soon to find out.

After Trader Sam's we headed to Brodard Chateau. On a Tuesday a lot of the Vietnamese restaurants close, but Brodard Chateau is one of the few Vietnamese restaurants that is open on a Tuesday with a menu that we like.

Vietnamese Mojito.

Brodard is know for their Pork Rolls. That's what we mainly come here for.

WonTon dry noodles.

Shaken Beef


Chicken and garlic noodles.

Pad Thai

House Pho

After lunch we headed to Tastea. Your typical Milk Tea joint, but everything taste fresh and not artificial like some places.

It was about time to return our cars and to check in for our flight home. Had a few minutes to kill so Jimmy, Ashlie and I got some more drinks at the bar.

Maybe one more drink on the flight home.

Jimmy passed out.

Finally back home and back to grind.

That's it for this trip. Had a blast and a whole year of anticipation has already passed me by. Looks like I have to count down to next year. Can't wait.
Next I'll be heading back to SoCal for Alvin's wedding.